5 basslines You Should Know

I wanted to create a video lesson that would show beginners how to play 5 really cool, instantly recognizable songs.

These are tunes that you know JUST FROM THE BASS. The songs I chose are - Seven Nation Army, Stand By Me, You Really Got Me, Under Pressure, and ????. You have to watch the video to figure out the last song (I asked my subscribers what song they think should be #5 and it was voted the most times so..)

Showing how to play “Stand By Me” on the trusty Fender Mustang

Bass is often a supporting role, so it's fun to learn these songs that stand out. The BEST part of all this is that these songs and basslines aren’t that hard to learn (except for the bridge of #5!) so beginners will be able to figure these out and start having a blast, and watching people’s heads turn as they play songs that everybody knows… and it’s kinda fun to play songs that people know and react to.

I had a good time making it.

Hit me up with comments below if I was to do a SECOND version of this video, kind of like the Rocky series.. what 5 songs would YOU want to hear? And what do you think about the 5 I picked in this video?




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